Friday, April 1, 2016

Weekly Update for Friday, April 1, 2016 (no joke!)

Here's my April Fool's Day disclaimer:  There are no April Fool's jokes in this blog!
OPEN SHIFTS: As of today, there are no open shifts for the next 3 months. There are open shifts in July which are listed on the calendar.
Banquet:  Sign up is on the bulletin board in Ops.  Please sign up before April 5th so we can get a count for meals.  The next GMFRA business meeting is April 5th.  Date of the banquet is April 16th.
Chainsaw Safety Class: Sponsored by York County Farm Bureau. This is a 2-day training limited to 10 participants Saturday & Sunday April 23-24   8AM - 4PM. Carlisle Academy, Spring Creek Farm, 65 Drown Lane, Lyman. For more information call Nick Armentrout at 207-604-2290
or visit
Opiate & Heroin Epidemic Community Forum; Waterboro FD April 14th at 1800.
FMI Click Here
Lifeflight Ground Class:  Thornton Academy (Sponsored by Saco FD), April 11 at 1830.  FMI Click Here
Basic Water Rescue:  April 9th 0800-1230 at GMFD.
Trauma EMS at SMHC ...From Dr Nilson; At our last meeting we talked about our trauma triage protocol that is in place for the care of our patients.  Please keep in mind that SMHC is not a designated trauma center.  While we are capable of stabilizing any trauma patient emergently, we know that multisystem trauma patients who receive their diagnostic workup at non trauma center facilities have significant delays (on the order of hours) to diagnosis and treatment with measurable deleterious effects on morbidity and mortality.  Our sickest trauma patients with airway, breathing, or circulation problems should come to us first if we are the closest facility for initial stabilization before transport to MMC.  Our Trauma triage protocol to serve as a resource for making decisions about destination choice when caring for trauma patients.   It is important to review this policy before you need to apply it as there is a lot of information here.

( A copy of the protocol is on the bulletin board)

The trauma triage protocol can roughly be boiled down to the following points;
1. Multisystem trauma patients belong at MMC for their diagnostic work up and treatment
2. If there is an ABC problem, these patients should come to SMHC first (assuming that is the closest facility) for stabilization before immediate transfer to MMC.
3. If there is no ABC problem, these patients can head directly to MMC.
4. If there is any question as to which facility is the most appropriate, call as early as possible for OLMC.
Even for steps 3 and 4, most of these patients should be preferentially transported to MMC directly
By enlarge everyone has done and continues to do a great job taking care of these patients.  It is good to review topics like these periodically as a group to make sure we are all on the same page.

Thank you all for what you do.
Doug Nilson, MD
Southern Maine Health Care, Biddeford,
Emergency Physician/EMS liaison
Engine 83:  The engine has been in service for just over 8 months. Warranty expires in August. I'd like to start a "concerns list" of items we want to address prior to the end of the warranty. If you have any concerns, even the most minor of details, please notify Capt Duross, Lt Johnston or Engr Smith asap. (e-mail is fine).
New Med Bags:  We've put new medical bags in service on each ambulance. These are red backpack style bags. The old red and blue bags are consolidated into one back pack.  The back packs are much more ergonomic and are better distributed than the other two packs. Please take some time to get familiar with them.
New Minimum Activity Requirements:  This previous quarter (Jan 16 to Mar 16) is the last quarter when we'll measure activity based on number of calls responded to, training attended, etc. Starting today, the system of accumulating points based on all activity starts. Directive  2102  contains the details.
Firefighter Health Presumption Laws:  In Maine, there are 3 presumption laws that effect Firefighter worker's compensation health benefits.  As a Firefighter, (career or volunteer) there is a legal presumption that should you develop a cardiac for respiratory ailment, it is work related. There is also a presumption that certain cancers may be caused by your job as a Firefighter. The cancer presumption law has a few more requirements than the cardiac and pulmonary laws. Basically, you need regular physical exams during your lifetime.  I've put some more info about the presumption laws on the bulletin board.  
The EMR-ISAC InfoGram for March 31, 2016 contains the following articles:
1. April Brings Number of Significant Anniversaries
2. Are Your Employees Willing to Sell Their Passwords?
3. Webinar: Critical Role of 9-1-1 Operators
4. Religious and Cultural Literacy in Emergencies
From the Code of Ethics......"Never engage in activities involving alcohol or other substance use or abuse that can impair my mental state or the performance of my duties and compromise safety."
Events next week: Tuesday 1800 Special Fire Commission, 1900 GMFRA, Wednesday Fire Commission and Selectmen 1800 at Dayton Town Hall. Thursday All officers 1800. Saturday Water Rescue.

Have a great weekend,

Roger S. Hooper, Fire Chief
Goodwins Mills Fire-Rescue
481 Goodwins Mills Road
Lyman, ME 04002
Office: 207-499-7878
Station: 207-499-2362
Fax: 207-499-2893