Friday, April 7, 2017

Weekly Update for Friday, April 7, 2017

OPEN SHIFTS: APRIL: Thursday 4/20 1900-0700 (Must be EMT); MAY: Nothing yet. JUNE: Wed 6/7, Sat 6/10, Thu 6/15, Fri 6/23. JULY: Nothing yet. AUGUST: Sat 8/5.
DISPATCH SOP:  Beginning May 1st, there will be some slight changes to the procedures for dispatching EMS calls. Fire Alarm will begin providing the EMS Determinant code. This code; A thru E, indicates the severity of the call. A = minor emergency to E = Extreme emergency.  Fire Alarm will also begin giving out information in a more uniform format. Additional patient information will be given directly after the Ambulance signs enroute, not as part of the initial tone. The SOG for these new procedures is in our SOG file. or CLICK HERE
MX207: Last Thursday I met with Northeast Ambulance, Waterboro Fire and MX 207 to finalize proceedures for EMS support to the race track this summer.  We've all agreed on an SOG and and Incident Action Plan.  I have 4 primary goals here; 1) Better use of available resources. 2) NE taking a more of a leadership role in EMS at MX207. 3) Crews have better expectations prior to arrival at MX207. 4) Closer coordination and communications by the parties involved.  A copy of the SOG can be found by CLICKING HERE.
RADIO CHANNELS:  We're going to make some changes to the channels in the UHF radios. The 3 TAC channels are being removed. The idea is that the UHF radio will be placed on the frequency of the town you are operating in. The VHF radio will go on a TAC channel. Then active the repeater switch. Captain Duross will be updating the SOG soon.
A86 CEREMONY: Still on for 1300 on Saturday, April 15th.
BANQUET: Still on for 1730 on Saturday, April 15th at the Ramada Inn in Saco.
EVO2 for E84 on APR22: Need  driver for E84 on the 22nd to support the Firefighter I & II Academy.
MCI DRILL AT MX207:  I'm looking for volunteers to work with YC EMA and Northeast Ambulance to organize an MCI drill at MX207 later this fall. If you're interested please come talk with me.
SOFTBALL TEAM:  I understand FF Jake Corbeil is the captain of our newly forming softball team. Hollis FD has challenged us to a softball game.
RESUSCITATION CONSIDERATIONS: Saturday, April 29, 0800-1630 at Buxton Municipal Building. EMS CEH's awarded.  Lunch is provided. Flyer is on the bulletin board. Or CLICK HERE.
2018 BUDGET:  Last Wednesday the Boards of Selectmen and Budget Committees voted on our budget for next year. Next, that budget needs to be voted at Town Meeting in June.  The operations budget was approved at the amount I had requested, $192,938 Which is a 0.04% increase over last year. The personnel budget was approved at $447,977. This is $5782 over last year's amount. The funding for the over night per diem shift was been denied and will not be going to Town Meeting. The fire truck account was funded at $100,000. The ambulance account was not funded. The capital equipment account was funded at $25,000. The status quo was maintained. No action was taken on replacing Ladder 82 or the Freightliners. Lyman and Dayton Selectmen did agree on a change to the funding formula which will lead to a more equitable sharing of costs between the two Towns. If nothing else, the funding formula change is a move forward.
Events Next Week: Tuesday 1830 FD Training; Thursday 1830 Junior Company.

Have a great weekend,

Roger S. Hooper, Fire Chief
Goodwins Mills Fire-Rescue
481 Goodwins Mills Road
Lyman, ME 04002
Office: 207-499-7878
Station: 207-499-2362
Fax: 207-499-2893

"Like leaders in many walks of life, my business has been to serve with, and for, others."
    -General Stanley McCrystal, US Army

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