Friday, November 10, 2017

Weekly Update for November 10, 2017. Veteran's Day Weekend

OPEN SHIFTS: Tuesday 11/14 0700-1900; Friday 11/17 1900-0700 (Must be EMT). December: Tuesday 12/5, Thursday 12/21 both 0700-1900.
FF Carpenter is looking for coverage this Monday, 1200-1900. Give him a call if you can help out. 207-205-3523
HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY to our FD Vets. LT Daniels, FF Perry, FF Carpenter, Dr Brown, FF Smith, Commissioners Boyden, Demers and Hernon.  Thank you for your service.
Another busy week.  We'v run 11 calls since Sunday. Seems like vehicle fires was the theme of the week.   We had a call this week that prompted some discussion around the kitchen table. If you pick up a patient in a parking lot. Pt's alone, alert, conscious and oriented, pt is a transient, has a heavy coat on, back pack, etc., do you "pat" them down? Check their person or belongs for weapons? How do you ensure your safety and your crew's?  As always, call for a Trooper. However,  you may have to wait a while for a Trooper. What do you do in the meantime? You can ask  always ask the patient if he or she has any weapons. You can ask permission to "pat" them down. Make sure to document that. Then what do you do if you find something? A weapon or an illegal substance. You could secure it in the front with the driver and turn it over to security at the hospital or have a Trooper meet you at the hospital. Another one of those "what if" scenarios that we don't seem to have concrete answers for.  I would be interested to hear what your thoughts are on the topic. I am going to reach out to APEMS for some help. Bottom line folks; Do what you feel you need to do to ensure your safety and that of your crew and patient. It may require some out-of-the-box thinking. Document your actions and reasons for those actions. If someone has a weapon, or an illegal substance with them, you want to know about before you get in back of the ambulance.     Everyone Goes Home! 
CONGRATULATIONS: FF Walls for qualifying as an EVO1.
The EMR-ISAC InfoGram for November 9, 2017 contains the following articles:
1. Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders
2. New PPE may help protect firefighters against carcinogens
3. Updated emergency management requirements for medical facilities
4. Kidde announces recall of 38 million fire extinguishers
Emergency vehicle and roadway operations safety: 1st responders, vehicle collision is the 2nd leading cause of firefighter fatalities? Brush up on roadway safety.
Need CEH's?  Boundtree University has on-line classes already accredited for Maine EMS CEH's.    These are some pretty good classes for all licence levels. Much better than MEMSED.
Cold Weather: Winter has arrived. Please remember to dress for the weather when responding to calls. It's also a good time to brush up on protocols for cold weather injuries.
Firefighter Life Safety Initiative #5. Training & Certification. Develop and implement national standards for training, qualifications, and certification (including regular recertification) that are equally applicable to all firefighters based on the duties they are expected to perform.
PICO Class: Preparations for Initial Company Operations:  We'll be holding this class here in Goodwins Mills in January. A flyer is on the bulletin board. The follow on course STICO/Strategies and Tactics for Company Operations will be held in Hollis in March.  Both of these courses are GMFR requirements for promotion.  They're also very good refreshers if it's been awhile since you taken either. I strongly encourage our officers and those aspiring to become officers to take advantage of this opportunity.
Santa Claus Visit:  Scheduled for December 9th.  I need someone to be our liaison with Lyman Parks & Rec. to coordinate this event. Please call me or email me if you're interested.
EMS Training for November: November 28, Dr Brown will be providing a class on documentation.
Events Next Week: Tuesday 11/14 1830: Chimney Fires Training. Wednesday 11/16 1800 Wadliegh Pond Dam breach drill. Thursday 11/16 1430 PAT make-up.

Have a great weekend,

Roger S. Hooper, Fire Chief
Goodwins Mills Fire-Rescue
481 Goodwins Mills Road
Lyman, ME 04002
Office: 207-499-7878
Cell: 207-432-0390
Station: 207-499-2362
Fax: 207-499-2893

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