Friday, March 23, 2018

Weekly Update for Friday, March 23, 2018

Dispatch Texting: Due to some software issues at fire alarm, texting is down. You may get an I Am Responding alert, or not. Please listen to the radio.
GMFRA Car Wash: Sunday 0800-1600.
Rapid Intervention Team Course: We have a RIT class scheduled for April 27, 28, 29. This is an MFSI certified course. We will be piloting the State's new RIT curriculum. The class needs 16 students to be a go.The RIT trainer will be here as part of the class. If you're a RIT expert, this is a great refresher. If you're new to RIT, this is a good time to start. This is a great opportunity for us. This is going to be some high speed advanced training. There is a sign up on the bulletin board. Please sign up soon. I'd like to get as many GM firefighters in the course as we can before I open it up to other departments.
Burn Building:  We have 2090 Alfred Road to train with for the next few weeks. Captain Daniels, with the assistance of others, is putting together some events and dates. We're going to do live fire training in it later this spring.
Mandatory Training: There are several of you that still need to complete this training. Please get it done before April 30th.  Also, please get your Fit tests done asap.
Ladder 82 Replacement: Both Boards of Selectmen voted to release funds to purchase Burlington's quint and refurbish it. I'm now working with Burlington FD to finalize the details.  Greenwood will be doing the refurb. I'll be meeting with Greenwood on April 3rd to start planning this project. I anticipate the truck being in service this fall. I've been asked about a dedication for the quint. Burlington FD dedicated the truck to one of their Line of Duty Deaths. Lt. Vincent Castella. My intention for this truck is to remain dedicated Lt. Castalla's service and spirit.
Safety Items:  Two things: Directive 2303 Section 4.4 Responder Safety: Do not arrive on scene alone. If you're in your POV, wait at a safe distance and location from the scene, move in with apparatus as it arrives. Strength in numbers. Second; Directive 2321 Section 10.6 Apparatus Speeds allows us to only exceed posted speed limits by 10 mph, when operating code 3 and when conditions permit.
Computers: When you are done using a computer, log off! I often see computers with 3 or 4 people still logged. This is a security issue and it takes up resources that will slow the network down.
Maine State Weekend at NFA:  Application deadline is April 15th. A flyer is on the bulletin board. If your interested, and meet requirements, please submit a training request in Datatrac.
EMS Symposium: April 11, 0900-1630. South Portland High School. A flyer is on the bulletin board. Topics are; Chemical Suicide, Thoracic Trauma, Illicit Drug Recognition and Airway 2.0.  So far, two of you have signed up to attend. We get a discount if we send 4 or more. CEH's are being awarded! If your interested submit a training request in Datatrac.
The EMR-ISAC InfoGram for March 22, 2018 contains the following articles:
1. Unannounced hospital mystery patient drills and toolkit
2. DHS Science & Technology Directorate puts out a call for new technology
3. Upcoming FLETC training schedule for SLTT law enforcement
4. Webinar: Learn How to Strengthen Your Organization's Cybersecurity
USFA Current Issues: Clean your PPE and skin post-fire to reduce chemical exposure risk.
As a firefighter, you know that firefighting activities can lead to chemical contamination. But do you know what steps you can take to reduce exposures? This understanding is critical as different fireground activities have different types and levels of exposure risk. If your fire department hasn’t already done so, it needs to develop or refine its policies for decontaminating gear and skin after live fire responses to reduce the potential risk of cancer.
Firefighter Near Miss: Gravel Causes Pump Failure. As a crew entered to make an attack on a structure fire, the pump suddenly stopped. The nozzle firefighter advised the entry crew of no water and they backed out of the structure just as the floor collapsed into the basement.
Wildland Firefighter Course (S130/S190): June 12 and 13 at the Rachel Carson Nature Conservatory in Wells.  The course is free and it does include the pack test.  Application deadline is today, seats are still available. FMI
Firefighter/EMT Job Vacancies:  Several departments in Maine and New Hampshire are hiring.
Per diems and full-time.  Facebook has many job postings listed.
Open Shifts:  No vacancies for April and May at this time. I do anticipate some April and May shifts to come open very soon.
Events Next Week: Sunday 0800 Car Wash.

Have a great weekend,

Roger S. Hooper, Fire Chief
Goodwins Mills Fire-Rescue
481 Goodwins Mills Road
Lyman, ME 04002
Office: 207-499-7878
Cell: 207-432-0390
Station: 207-499-2362
Fax: 207-499-2893

"Experience is the name we give our mistakes."
-Oscar Wilde

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