Friday, April 13, 2018

Weekly Update for Friday, April 13, 2018

OPEN SHIFTS: April: Saturday 4/28 1900-0700 (Must be EMT).  May: Saturday 5/5 0700-1900; 1900-0700 (Must be EMT). Monday 5/7 0700-1900, 1900-0700 (Must be EMT). Sunday 5/13 0700-1900.
Congratulations! If you haven't heard yet, FF Nicki Fowlie has been appointed by Governor LePage to serve as a student/alumnus representative on the Board of Trustees of the Maine Community College System.
New Quint:  The "new to us" quint has is at Greenwood Emergency Vehicles in Brunswick for its refurbishment. Lt Johnston and I met with Greenwood this afternoon to discuss the project. They did a pump test and a DOT inspection. The truck will be going to Cummings and Allison next week to have the engine and transmission assessed. An aerial test/assessment will also done next week. We'll then get a prioritized list of work and develop the project from there. I don't expect to have the truck in service until around October.
Car Wash Cancelled. The GMFRA car wash originally for Sunday, 4/15, has been cancelled due to forecasted inclement weather.
SRTC Class A burns: The Sanford RTC Firefighter I & II class will be doing their class A burns  on Thursday 4/26 in Hollis. We've been asked to provide a pumper and ambulance for rehab. (The SRTC EMT class will staff the rehab.) so I just need a driver.  Assistant instructors are also needed. If you interested please come see me.
Firefighter Behavior:  We've all heard of fire behavior, well firefighter behavior is a bit different.
If you read the background to the Firefighter Code of Ethics, it mentions trust. The trust between Firefighters and the citizens we serve. It's our character, our conduct on and off duty that people place their trust in. This trust is very fragile. More fragile today than ever before. We must avoid situations that can damage this trust or embarrass our profession and department. They call us heroes. There's a reason for that. Don't damage it.
Safety Stand Down 2018 to Focus on Firefighter Medical/Physicals
RIT Class:  April 27, 28, 29. There are still open seats. We need 12 to make the class a go. Only 6 are signed up.
Extrication Training; An extrication class is being scheudedl for the weekend of June 2nd. More info to follow.
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week: This week is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, a time for everyone to recognize the incredible job performed by people that work as the bridge between citizens needing help and the first responders dispatched to provide it. The system has come a long way since the first 9-1-1 call was made 50 years ago. As phone service grew across the country, communities needed something more than a telephone company operator to manage emergencies. This need for consistent, trained response eventually developed into a robust nationwide public service. People staffing Public Safety Answering Points could help deliver a baby over the phone, receive reports of an active shooter, or unexpectedly be talking to a
7-year-old who found his mother unconscious, all in the same workday. They rely on technology that may be outdated and must know how to handle things the old fashioned way if the system goes down.
The job is hard and the hours long, but like other first responders, public safety telecommunicators often see their work as a calling. Someone’s life may be on the line with every call they answer. We should take the time this week and throughout the year to recognize the important work they do.
Firefighter Near Miss: PPV blower fan blades break while being moved.
During a live fire training evolution, a PPV fan was moved while running on low idle. The fan was then throttled up and the firefighter left the fan to get a new air bottle. While halfway down the outside stairs, there was a loud bang and then the fan started bouncing across the surface. The firefighter returned to the fan and one of the trainers exited the building to see what had happened. The fan was stopped and it was discovered that one of the blades had broken off. The shroud was intact, but a large (approximately four inch) chunk of the blade was found nearby, presumably having been blown through the protective grill.
Events Next Week: Tuesday: EMS/Fire Training 1800. Thursday: Fire Commission 1830.

Have a great weekend,

Roger S. Hooper, Fire Chief
Goodwins Mills Fire-Rescue
481 Goodwins Mills Road
Lyman, ME 04002
Office: 207-499-7878
Cell: 207-432-0390
Station: 207-499-2362
Fax: 207-499-2893

"Experience is the name we give our mistakes."
-Oscar Wilde

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